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Conservation Commission Agendas 07/11/2007

 Conservation Commission Meeting- July 11,2007
                Christ the King Church- 7 p.m.
1. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting
2. Chairman’s Report- action items
3. Questionnaire for placePlaceNamePOCD PlaceName2010- PlaceTypeBeach Community
4. Report on PRCD discussion at Zoning Meeting
5. Land swap proposal- Blackhall for Town landing
6. New pesticide state law- town pesticide committee
7. Open space report- open space committee (AWWA, CityplaceAmes, Four Ponds, Gerr)                                    OLCT-( Nancy Griswold, Matt Griswold, Blair, Felossi- about 50 acres, two more in the works)
8. PlaceNameplaceRogers PlaceNameLake –WPCA test wells, DEP run off assessment
9. New business
10. Adjourn